New look and feel for the TYPO3-Wiki

The TYPO3 Wiki-Design-Team implemented a new look and feel for one of the biggest knowledge ressources of the community.

Goals and Visions:

The aims for the design were to reduce the entry barriers for new contributors and to make the work with the wiki much more easier. Continuing the tradition since 2004 the wiki keeps a very simple Graphical User Interface (GUI). It is only made with text – the absolutely most important thing for a wiki – combined with a little php, html and css. The team-vision is to work continuously on the wiki to optimize it and reduce all things which aren`t necessary.

How the design came to be newly-arranged:

On T3CON10 Daniel Brüßler and Sabine Hueber (Designeon) met the first time. Very fast the new team was engaged in a discussion about aims and processes concerning knowledge transfer with support of the TYPO3 Wiki. To improve sharing the expertise of the big TYPO3 Community, a new Project-Group was built. In March the new layout skin was made and the clean up work of the existing wiki-templates started.

The Specifications:

To hold the „recognition value“ of the TYPO3 Corporate Design, a preset was the typical horizontal orange menu which can be found at To generate a consistent corporate image the look and feel of the wiki needed to be similar to the old TYPO3 Corporate Design.

The improvements:

To reach the goal of better knowledge transfer, the Wiki-Design-Team provided an optimized navigation bar and an automatic language switch. All the ?dirty? inline CSS stuff went into the skin CSS. The user preference settings of all users were switched to the new skin, so the users need not to do it.

The idea of the orange main navigation is to get with just one click to the most important pages like „ts45min“, „extension developer guide“ or team pages e.g. the „Translation Team“.

How to contribute:

The menu items have an explanation by mouseover. The most important part of the orange navigation bar is the „Wiki-Contribution menu“. Here every group of people e.g. Reviewers who like to find errrors have their own menu item, so they can start with just a click.


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