- Guten Morgen #rpTEN Ich widme mich gleich mal dem Thema Blockchain. 2016-05-04
- when you create blockchsins, you don't exist in a bubble and the chain wouldn't stop so easy. #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- it's dealing with human messyness which means to implement new organizational and ethical models. #blockchain #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- technical decisions have a broad impact to social implications. #blockchain #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- development is really fast – a very small community is developing it. #blockchain #rpTEN Important to communicate it! 2016-05-04
- you can create your own money – you can create yor own kind of value system. #blockchain #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- it's possible to decentralize whole organizations completely. #blockchain #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- interesting – the algorithmic organizazion. #rpTEN #blockchain 2016-05-04
- onchain – offchain problem. how much info should be stored within the different nodes, what should be 'virtual stored' #blockchain #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- contracts are neccesary – can be implemented into the #blockchain but there is no room for interpretation! #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- "ethics is about you to find your own shit" (instrumental corporate social responsibility is bullshit) 😉 #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- install a process – there is intrinsic moral value in a community. #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- gerade in "the ethics of online community management" #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- should communities be regulated through creative interventions and design choices or through rules and policies? #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- shoud communities be regulated at all? Couldn't they do it in a self-organized way? #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- culture is a bridge to transport values but you can't prescribe it. #rpTEN #community 2016-05-04
- in large scaled environments it's diffucult to bargain community-values. #rpTEN you ve to deal with different cultures 2016-05-04
- what about social bots to help change difficult conversations? #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- can we create shared norms and values which can be accepted by the world-community? #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- RT @hiig_berlin: Weil #offline scheinbar so cool ist, beschäftigt sich der #digsal am 25.05. mit #digitaldetox & ital. Dörfern #rpTEN https… 2016-05-04
- und jetzt ein wenig coden #arduino ☺#rpTEN 2016-05-04
- lets start #rpTEN https://t.co/f9mz1PdF26 2016-05-04
- great workshop with @garoah thanks https://t.co/jpL0yuPG04 2016-05-04
- #blogchain discussion yet. #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- is necessary to put an interdisciplinary view on #blockchain #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- interesting will be the ideas we build above a #blockchain #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- decentralize virtual machines – put smart contracts on it. #rpTEN #blockchain 2016-05-04
- #dao
https://t.co/WwzeS3imWW 2016-05-04 - das eigentlich Spannende an #blockchain ist, dass die Technologie Menschen zu Zukunftsvisionen inspiriert. #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- persons who program put their bias into the code. #EthicProgramming #blockchain #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- code is a kind of communication. We all need to understand and practice coding. #blockchain #rpTEN 2016-05-04
- Tag drei hat es rausgerissen. Heute konnte ich etwas lernen. #rpTEN Danke und bye bye. https://t.co/TzxYV4msWw 2016-05-04
- @kontermann @A_Christofori ja, find ich auch. in reply to kontermann 2016-05-04
- RT @PRFundsachen: Das Social Media-Team von PRF sagt Tschüss von der #rpTEN! Morgen geht's weiter mit der Nachbereitung. #onkomm https://t.… 2016-05-04
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